Sanctuary of Spirits

Return to Drak Lellwyn

Altars of the Gods
Isle of Dreams

Mystic Order
Mystic Shrines

Following the War of the North and the Witch Hunts a group of monks arrived in Drak Lellwyn from the village of Eclipse with a proclamation signed with the seal of Duke Midnight.

A Sanctuary of the Spirits was to be built on the southern shore of the Lake of Visions where the Knights of the Empire, weary of the great battles they had fought could sooth thier spirits and seek to find peace with thier Gods.
Some say this is where the spirits of those who have passed through the world of Temmerendil pass on to other Worlds and Dimensions not bound by the pyshics of Space and Time.

It also serves as a Retreat for those in need of rejuvination, isolated from the cities and common throughfares of the Lakelands.

Though the Sanctuary was devoted to honor all the gods of Temmerendil, it was maintained by the Monks who have since become the Mystic Order of Nala.

Though they have studied the histories of Temmerendil and respect the path of the Druidic Order, they have choosen to pursue the preservation of Sorcery and the study of the supernatural and arcane arts.

At first glance the Sanctuary would appear to be a small farming village with a few modest structures for farming and livestock, a small dormitory  that serves as sleeping quarters for the monks as well as several more private cabins for visitors and guest. A larger building serves as the Sanctorium of the Mystic Order, where they share what they had discovered in thier pursuit of the supernatural and the arcane.

On a small hill overlooking the Lake lays the Altars of the Gods, arranged in a circle partially enclosed only by stone pillars, a floor of polished slate, and an open domed roof.

The Altars included in the Sanctuary are the Three Primary Gods: Halos, Mirius, and Morbius, the Secondary Gods: Mesalae, Kala, Tauranic, Nathos, and Meira, and the Lesser Powers: Nala, Tilana, Mitaneus. and the Grandfather, the Dragongod. Though many of these Gods are unknown to most, the Mystic Order hopes to instill and preserve thier names in the minds of men.

The Altars of the Sisters face each other from opposite sides of the circle, Kala on the East and Nala on the West. Inlaid in the slate floor between the altars is a Dias of marble with mystic symbols engraved along an outer ring. In the center of the Dias is a mosaic of intersecting triangles with gems embeded in the outmost angles
and in the center of the mosaic is a cirular depression with a surface that appears to be as smooth as polished glass. The image through this surface more often than not reflects like a mirror but some say it is a window and perhaps a portal to other worlds.